to VISION-BIOMODBASE, the Visual Interactive
On-line Navigation Biomodeling Data Base, an internet-accessible
biomodeling module to be included under the PIEallaMODE
umbrella, coupled with its analytical functionality,
and hosted on our Lab server. VISION's purpose is
to provide end-users with a visually-pleasing and
interactive means for facilely displaying, documenting,
and updating biomodels, in any and all forms with
ready-access to all embedded supportive data and
reference material, all in one place.
software connectivity has been embedded
throughout the project. Users can directly access
and SAAM
II files and perform simulations right on
his/her own computing machine, aiding in real-time
studies of the model. The hallmark of this capability
is that users can alter parameter values and simulate
these customizations in real-time.
VisSIMTM simulation
files throughout this site can be simulated directly
on the user's machine via the VisSIMTM
Viewer, a FREE view-only version of the program.
A license is not required. Note that some
browsers may not work with VisSIMTM
Viewer and may require the user to download the
VisSIMTM simulation
file to the user's machine prior to simulation.
Currently, SAAM II does not offer such a non-licensed
free to navigate throughout this website.